Thursday, June 18, 2009

One Sunny Day at a Fish Market

Something was not quite right at the fish store

in Pike Place Market.

The rubber-made prank fish was

jumping up and down like a mad person.

I got curious, and went around to see the person who was doing that.

Have you noticed a gentleman in a white suit

who almost looks like he came out from the early 1900s.

....and I've seen this gentleman in my neighbor,

I've seen him walking on campus,

I've seen him at the pub I go to,

but instead of during the night, he's there during the day time....

he is all over the place,

and he is always dressed so classy...

it makes me wonder,

whether he really is a ghost?

A mischievous ghost?

That would be kind of romantic, I think.

Anyways, he scared the tourists for quite some time,

and he left with a big grin on his face.

He made me smile.

I love adults who are a child at heart.

1 comment:

  1. owh, chikoo..
    why u make a prejidice so negative mind like that..he..he..
    in my view,,he so proud with his classy shirt..
    maybe he soproud with his young,..or his past career..he..he..
    u agree with me..?
