Saturday, June 20, 2009


You might think I'm weird,

I think about death very often,

or maybe it's more like

the word "death" is always somewhere in my mind somewhere.

No, not like a suicidal thought.

Though somewhere in my mind, there's me quietly saying

"what if I die now,

at this moment,

at this place."

Maybe it's my fascination in life.

Somewhere in the world,

at this moment

there are new lives, their brand new histories

that are to begin.

At the same moment,

countless stories are closing their last chapter.

I've begun to think more about these things

ever since the tragic incident of my coworker.

...and my mind drifted away again today

after I saw a video of a girl who got shot

while standing at a side walk with her father

to see the protest that was going on.

She died in less than 2 minutes after she got shot.

Her possible story,

her possible history,

it's all gone and done.

Besides people's memories of her,

everything is going to stop living.

I imagine a book with half the book blank.

So many stories could have been written there,

and how sad people can take that away from others.

I am not an activist,

and I don't think I will wear a peace sign or anything...

but today,

for some reason

I found myself

sincerely wishing for

a world

where everybody could finish their stories happily.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Chiko..
    why, a bullet, a gun , a missile..its symbolized a unhappy death...
    why,..we re all over the world never try to make a happy ending life,for everyone.., with a stop sarcastic accident,..war,..people bleeding..?

    a peace is a right, for everyone on this earth..
    btw, about a death..?
    do you believe in a "reinkarnation".?.he..he
    Chiko,..what do you want to be,..if God give you a 2nd life..??..he..
