Friday, January 8, 2010

Po Chai Pills

So my stomach has been hurting for a while,

actually for quite a while

....I don't know when was the last time

my stomach was feeling alright.

Last night, I told myself

that if it was still hurting today,

I will go to a pharmacy

that carries a lot of

Chinese medicine.

...and so it was hurting this morning

despite my little prayer before going to bed.

There is a pharmacy in Waroro that

Evan and I like.

It looks really old school

and they have tons of mysterious looking

herbs and dried snakes (?) etc...

One of these days,

I am going to ask them to mix

a special medicine for me.

Anyways, so I wrote down

'stomachache' and 'Chinese medicine'

in Thai so I can tell the pharmacist

what's wrong and what I want.

The pharmacist looked through the shelves

and showed me a box that almost looked like

a perfume box or something

and I was a little skeptical if it was going to work.

(Doesn't it look a little sketchy?

Kind of too cute to be good?)

Well, it was only 90 baht which is like

4 dollars so I decided to give it a try.

If it doesn't work,

that's that.

I will look for another drug...

I was willing to try anything at that point.

I came back and I tried the whole

cylinder like it said on the box,

though I can't read Chinese

I could kind of understand from the

Chinese characters (kanji)

and I think it said have the entire thing at once.

I think it's really working.

I did some research about the pills

and it seems like a lot of

Japanese people are writing about it.

Many say that they bring back a lot

when returning to Japan

or they ask other people to bring back

when they go on a vacation or a business trip.

Mmmm, I feel like I found my hero for my stomach.

(...and possibly hangover and headache,

if what it says on the box is true.)

Another great thing about this pill is that

the box and container are really cute.

I hope I wake up tomorrow morning

without and pain in my stomach.

Maybe I will kiss the man on the box.


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