Happy New Year to you all.
Last night was so magical.
(...and I am magically not hungover!)
Too bad I didn't take any photos
but maybe sometimes it's better just to remember
beautiful things.
Well, but since I don't have anything
to show to tell you what was so beautiful,
I am going to try describing the night.
It was kind of like
being on a seafloor,
and you gaze up
to see the moon
and there are these glowing jelly fishes
all over the place
and all those jelly fishes are going
up and up and up
...and at midnight,
fireworks went off
and people were hugging and kissing
and it seemed like everybody was happy
and it seemed like
there was nothing that people should worry about.
Wishing world peace sounds
too cliche?
That's okay though.
I still wish for world peace,
and I hope there are many more smiles
on earth this year.
By the way, I wonder why Daft Punk makes me cry?
Oh, and the cilantro looks more like
cilantro now.

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