Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Boys Laundry Day

Feeling hungry 

 after finishing the morning portion 

of work, 

I decided to go back home once 
to see if Evan and Matt were still there. 

I opened the door....

and it was boxers-on-parade.

I hope Matt isn't angry 

that I posted their 

underwear photo. Hehe.

It's kind of cute to imagine 

two boys doing their laundry together,

and I think it's funny 
how the undies are lined up.

This is the view from 

where I am sitting now.
I will be seeing this for 

another 3 or 4 hours....eesh.

3 more projects to go.
My company of the day is 

Thai iced tea. 

Yum yum.


  1. MJ says: I hope you're in an air-conditioned sweatshop!

  2. Iced tea for company ain't bad ... I mean, better than nothing :)

  3. >MJ
    haha. We have a pretty nice fan here.

    That is very true. Iced tea won't chat with me but it keeps me running.
